Before you go online and start looking for dates, it is absolutely essential that you ensure the computer you use is 100% safe and is not vulnerable to hackers or virus attacks.

You should also take all the necessary precautions (especially if you’re on a public computer) to make sure no one else uses your online dating account.

It is important to ensure no one but you has access to your online dating profile as email addresses and passwords in the hands of the wrong person could even result in identity theft.

Follow some of these tips to ensure your computer is secure and less vulnerable to security threats.

Secure Your Computer


Using a computer without an anti virus is like living in a house with no locks – it is unsafe. If your computer does not have an anti virus installed, before you start your online dating experience, it would be best to invest in a reputable anti virus product. A good anti virus software will protect your computer from all sorts of security threats including but not limited to virus attacks and spyware which could otherwise cripple your computer. In addition you must also ensure your computer is protected by a firewall. Your firewall could be in the form of a hardware device or a software and works by blocking remote access to your computer. In the absence of a firewall, malicious users may attempt to break into your system while you are online.

Every computer has a unique identifying IP address which allows it to exchange information with other computers over the internet. Unfortunately it is fairly easy for hackers to identify your IP address and connect to your computer if you are not careful. If your computer is poorly protected, a smart hacker can easily access your computer and all the files you have saved on it making you an easy victim of identity theft.


The operating system you use on your computer must be regularly updated or your computer will not be equipped to handle the latest threats. For example, if you use a Windows Operating System, the updates are a way to protect your computer from any security loopholes that may have been discovered since you installed Windows. Set your computer to check for updates automatically, ensuring you are well protected . If your computer prompts you to install any updates, go ahead because your computer needs to keep up!


Is your computer connected to the internet via a wireless network? If yes, you need to be doubly sure you are well protected. Most Internet Service Providers will provide you with a secure wireless connection and a login and password only you are aware of. However if you have set up your wireless network by yourself, you need to ensure it is 100% protected. An unprotected wireless network is an open invitation for others to not only use your internet services but also, once again gives others easy remote access to your computer and everything you have saved on it.


The importance of good passwords cannot be stressed enough. Secure the administrator account on your PC with a strong password and ensure that all other user accounts on the computer also have passwords. If you need more help choosing a good password, read our Password Security Tips for some useful information.

A password protected administrator account prevents potential intruders from accessing your computer Also if you do use a shared computer, a password protected user account on your computer will ensure complete privacy and ensure others cannot access your files or your online dating account.

Most of these security measures are pretty basic and you do not need to be an IT genius to make these changes. However if you are unsure about the level of your computer’s security go ahead and speak to someone who understands these things better. A secure computer is important, not just for online dating but for safe and secure web browsing in general.


  • PCStats’ Ten Steps To A Secure PC is a comprehensive resource if you are interested in understanding computer security issues better.

Microsoft’s Consumer Online Safety Education website provides information on a wide range of online safety issues.